this track is great...
not to loud, and is jammin for sho- excellent job homie- and usally most of the metal tracks on here suck- finally i found one that rocks.....(-_-)
this track is great...
not to loud, and is jammin for sho- excellent job homie- and usally most of the metal tracks on here suck- finally i found one that rocks.....(-_-)
A lot of them are pretty good too. Glad you dig this one. Thanks for the review and listen!\m/
soundtrack to a great action movie...
it sounds like ok
but is there nothing more that u can add to it?? it feels like something is missing...
sure? yeah...maybe... what do u think about "something is missing" excatly?
p.s. thanks for the 7 ^^
kewl homie
this track is tight, lol - I need to make a song bout getting some head... oooooo I got some shit to say, heh!!!
i dont know
but i feel like this needs to be much louder than what it is.... i like what u have done- but is there any way u can make it louder??
yeah, if you'd like a copy specifically sent to you or something with the volume increased, inbox me.
i like this
it's evil yet- jiffty at the same time :-) - like the double claps - and electric organs....
Thankyou:) haha put a smile on my face! Not what i was going for:L but i can see where your coming from with the evil part now you mention it:) cheers dude
with my headphones on i never really had a song mess with my head the way that this song is messing with mine right now..................................
..................... ............................... kewl....
Um.... Well, thanks anyway.
i can feel the vibe to this beat- sadly however when i look'd at the title to ur song- BEFORE i listin to the beat- it made me think of my x wife :-(- it's not that i miss her or any thing- it's just the past.... sometime........................ .............. sucks.....
Yes. The Past indeed Does Bring Back the things That Shouldnt be Mentioned.
I Feel For You, And i Apolagize For My Ill Wording D:
i'm feeling this
i was just wondering, is this a remix or anything of a video game title,??? or is this a video game song u made??
I made it, 100% original.
o i like this
good job - it's rockin'
thanks! :)
I'm on Level 99 baby!!!!
Age 43, Male
Computer Tech
Zandar Landings
Stone Mountain, Fl
Joined on 10/25/10